제품 정보
Rice Noodles, Tea, Cosmetics
HS CODE : 1902-19-1000 |
Company : Guavaland Co. |
Export country : US |
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Product Information
Product overview(Product differentiation)
Guavaland Co. is growing guava trees in a clean environment of Chilgok-myeon, Euiryeong-gun. In addition to food process, the company creates higher values through product development and industrial-academic cooperation.
Guava stops blood sugar levels from rising after meals, brightens the skin, and prevents obesity, allergy, and skin aging. The company is offering a variety of products including guava tea and guava rice noodle.
Product type
Guava Rice Noodle (12ea)
Guava Tea (10g×15 tea bags)
Patents and Eco-friendly product certificate