사이트 내 전체검색

 Export item   >   Processed food   >   Etc  


  • 15
    Mulberry Jam  Product overview(Product differentiation)Mulberries, known as ..
    HS CODE : 2007-91-1000

    Company : Sancheong Sericulture Cooperative Association

    Export country : Japan, Australia, Canada, and Singapore

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 481
  • 14
    Frozen Strawberry, Canned Chestnut  Product overview(Product differentiation)Since established in ..
    HS CODE : 8011-10-0000

    Company : Seoljeong Food Co., Ltd.

    Export country : Japan, The US, Thailand

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 445
  • 13
    Rice Noodles, Tea, Cosmetics  Product overview(Product differentiation)Guavaland Co. is grow..
    HS CODE : 1902-19-1000

    Company : Guavaland Co.

    Export country : US

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 495
  • 12
    Chicken Soup  Product overview(Product differentiation)Chicken soup made by ..
    HS CODE : 1602-32-1010

    Company : Agricultural corporation Wooriga Co., Ltd.

    Export country : Vietnam

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 457
  • 11
    Ogog(5 grains) Brown Rice Pre-mix  Product overview(Product differentiation)Ogog (5 grains) brown..
    HS CODE : 1901-20-1000

    Company : Hyoseong Foods

    Export country : U.S.

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 515
  • 10
    Plant-based Omega-3  Product overview(Product differentiation)Our company is profes..
    HS CODE : 1516-20-0000

    Company : SAN AND DEUL

    Export country : U.S.

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 472
  • 9
    Weaning food  Product overview(Product differentiation)By applying ingredien..
    HS CODE : 2104-10-0000

    Company : ECOMOM Mea

    Export country : U.S.

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 478
  • 8
    Seasoning  Product overview(Product differentiation)1. Overview- Using ga..
    HS CODE : 2103-90-9090

    Company : SANMAEUL.Co.Ltd

    Export country : Japan

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 447
  • 7
    Seasoning  Product overview(Product differentiation)With the high-level o..
    HS CODE : 2103-90-9090

    Company : KBF Co., Ltd.

    Export country : Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, and Philippines

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 481
  • 6
    Cucumber  Product overview(Product differentiation)Dry sea cucumber prod..
    HS CODE : 0307-91-9020

    CompanyHAESER PRODUCTS Co.,Ltd

    Export country : China, Hongkong, U.S., Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 512
  • 5
    Arkshells, Cockleshell  Product overview(Product differentiation)“Nutritional arkshell..
    HS CODE : 0307-99-1150, 0307-99-1110


    Export country : Japan

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 423
  • 4
    Ipsae Mushroom  Product overview(Product differentiation)In Japan, Ipsae mushr..
    HS CODE : 0709-59-9000

    Company : IPSAEFARM CO., LTD.

    Export country

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 435
  • 3
    Fish Cake  Product overview(Product differentiation)With fresh fish meat ..
    HS CODE : 1604-20-4090

    Company : HAEYANG FOOD CO.

    Export country : the United States, Canada, and other countries.

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 443
  • 2
    Pig Feet  Product overview(Product differentiation)- Each large pig foot..
    HS CODE :

    Company: Jangchoongdong B&F

    Export country : Vietnam

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 501
  • 1
    Cheese Stick  Product overview(Product differentiation)Value: Only One- Orig..
    HS CODE :

    Company : BokManSa Co., Ltd.

    Export country : Australia, United States, Canada

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 504
