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Health food

  • 31
    Chestnut  Product overview(Product differentiation)Clear breezes, water,..
    HS CODE : 0802-42-0000

    Company : Yulrim Agricultural Corporation

    Export country : US, China, and Japan

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 720
  • 30
    Black Garlic  Product overview(Product differentiation)Nonghyup controls the..
    HS CODE : 1302-19-9102

    Company : Saenamhae Nonghyup Food Processing Plant

    Export country : Hong Kong, France, etc

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 709
  • 29
    Black Garlic  Product overview(Product differentiation)Egarak Black Garlic G..
    HS CODE : 1302-19-9101

    Company : Namhaegun Black Garlic Co., Ltd.

    Export country : Japan, Portugal, etc.

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 776
  • 28
    Black Garlic  Product overview(Product differentiation)100% black garlics an..
    HS CODE : 1302-19-9100

    Company : Namhaeseom Black Garlic

    Export country

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 740
  • 27
    Black Garlic  Product overview(Product differentiation)Passing a strict eval..
    HS CODE : 1302-19-9099

    Company : Namhae Bomulseom Garlic Agricultural Complex

    Export country : Hong Kong, Japan and Mongolia

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 956
  • 26
    Grain Syrup  Product overview(Product differentiation)The founder of Dulrae..
    HS CODE : 1702-90-0000

    Company : Dulraeya Agricultural Corp.

    Export country : Japan

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 745
  • 25
    Fermented Vinegar  Product overview(Product differentiation)Based on its own mush..
    HS CODE : 2209-00-1000

    Company : NR Biotech

    Export country : China

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 720
  • 24
    Natural Fermented Vinegar  Product overview(Product differentiation)Naturally fermented v..
    HS CODE : 2209-00-1000

    Company : Santtalgi.Com

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 700
  • 23
    Balloon Flower Root(Jangsaeng Doraji)  Product overview(Product differentiation)Jangsaeng bellflowers..
    HS CODE : 1302-19-9099

    Company : Jangsaeng Doraji Co., Ltd.

    Export country : The US, Japan, and Thailand

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 885
  • 22
    HS CODE : 1302-19-9090

    Company : Samjung Food

    Export country : U.S.

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 769
  • 21
    Wood-cultivated Ginseng  Product overview(Product differentiation)Haneul Ga-Ye, providi..
    HS CODE : 1211-20-1110

    Company : Hamyang Agricultural Cooperative

    Export country : U.S, Canada, and other countries

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 745
  • 20
    Safflower Seed Capsule  Product overview(Product differentiation)Jirisan Hongwain is a..
    HS CODE : 1302-19-9090

    Company : Jirisan Hongwain

    Export country : U.S.

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 757
  • 19
    Konjac  Product overview(Product differentiation)What is Konjac (Gonya..
    HS CODE : 2106-90-9099

    Company : DAE SINE MUL SAN Co.,Ltd

    Export country : Japan (direct export), U.S. (local)

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 733
  • 18
    Lotus Root Powder, Lotus Leaf Powder  Product overview(Product differentiation)Lotus root powder: Us..
    HS CODE : 0601-20-9090

    Company : Yeonmi Food

    Export country

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 707
  • 17
    Hwallyukgan  Product overview(Product differentiation)Gyerim Food makes all..
    HS CODE : 2009-89-8039

    Company : Gyerim Food

    Export country

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 735
