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Snacks, rice cakes, noodles, raw food

  • 27
    Cold Broth Noodles  Product overview(Product differentiation)Korea's best cold noo..
    HS CODE : 1902.19-3000

    Company : HAPCHUN FOODS Co., Ltd

    Export country : Southeast Asia, Japan, USA, Australia

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 670
  • 26
    Deep Fried Kimbugak  Product overview(Product differentiation)- Our fried seaweed h..
    HS CODE :


    Export country

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    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 756
  • 25
    Dried Persimmon  Product overview(Product differentiation)- Sweet Daebong Dried..
    HS CODE : 0813.40-1000

    Company : BIG SISTERS Co., Ltd

    Export country : USA, Japan, China

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 825
  • 24
    Guksu  Product overview(Product differentiation)Gupo The Guksi (Somye..
    HS CODE :

    Company : SaeHanfoods

    Export country

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 749
  • 23
    Noodle  Product overview(Product differentiation)Gupo plain noodle : A..
    HS CODE : 1902-19-1000

    Company : Gupo noodle

    Export country : China, Columbia, and other countries

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 670
  • 22
    Dried Persimmon  Product overview(Product differentiation)The product is made f..
    HS CODE : 0810-90-2000

    Company : Agricultural association corporation goldfarm

    Export country : Malaysia, Canada, Singapore

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 716
  • 21
    Cereal, Roasted Black Bean  Product overview(Product differentiation)This product uses who..
    HS CODE : 1905.90-1050, 2008.19.9000

    Company : uporiceTech

    Export country : USA, Japan, China, Canada, Russia (Vladivostok)

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 803
  • 20
    Nurungji  Product overview(Product differentiation)This healthy and simp..
    HS CODE :

    Company : JIRIInsectResearch Institute

    Export country : China, Singapore

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 903
  • 19
    Cereal  Product overview(Product differentiation)Pop Brown bakes brown..
    HS CODE : 190410

    Company : Saeng Saeng Biotech., Inc

    Export country : USA, Japan, China

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 688
  • 18
    Noodles  Product overview(Product differentiation)With a pure form that..
    HS CODE : 1902-19-1000

    Company : UPOBIOFOOD

    Export country : China and U.S.

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 696
  • 17
    Crepe, Candy  Product overview(Product differentiation)This snack's main ing..
    HS CODE : 1905-32-0000


    Export country : China and U.S.

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-19 조회 652
  • 16
    Vegetable and Seaweed Chips  Product overview(Product differentiation)Korean Food Grand Mas..
    HS CODE : 2008-99-9000

    Company : SkyBio Co., Ltd.

    Export country : US, England, Hongkong, Canada, Singapore, etc

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 743
  • 15
    Rice Cracker  Product overview(Product differentiation)Unpolished rice grown..
    HS CODE : 2106.90-9091

    Company : SSALBANG

    Export country : USA

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 664
  • 14
    Manggae-Dduek  Product overview(Product differentiation)This is a recommended..
    HS CODE : 13938986174

    Company : Uiryeong Manggae-Dduk KIMGANE

    Export country : USA

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 677
  • 13
    Rice Cake Soup  Product overview(Product differentiation)As Korea's traditiona..
    HS CODE : 1901.90-9091

    Company : INDUCK FOOD

    Export country

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 778
