제품 정보
Bamboo Salt
To make Insan Bamboo Salt, bay salt is put inside the bamboo trunks and the both ends are covered with red clay.
HS CODE : 2501-00-9010 |
Company : Insan Bamboo Salt |
Export country : US |
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Product Information
Product overview(Product differentiation)
To make Insan Bamboo Salt, bay salt is put inside the bamboo trunks and the both ends are covered with red clay. They are roasted with pine trees so as to remove toxicities of salt. Once this process is completed, active ingredients of bamboos and pine trees are enhanced. Insan Bamboo Salt is a well-being ingredient which is effective for detox, anticancer treatment, anti-inflammation, and disinfection and improves the immune system.
Its wide variety of products, made of bamboo salt produced with fresh air and pure water of Jirisan Mountain, including Bamboo Salt Soy Sauce Sarijang, Bamboo Salt Gochujang, Bamboo Salt Doenjang, Bamboo Salt Soap, and Bamboo Salt Toothpaste improves your health, relieves illness, and is effective for anticancer treatment.
Product type
Insan Bamboo Salt, Insan Bamboo Salt Toothpaste, Wood-Cultivated Ginseng Tooth Paste, Insan Bamboo Salt Soap, Insan Bamboo Salt Sarijang, Insan Bamboo Salt Gochujang, Black Bean Bamboo Salt Soy Sauce, Bamboo Salt Doenjang, Insan Bamboo Salt Purified Water, etc.
HALAL, ISO9001, and FDA certificate