제품 정보
Bamboo Salt
Insanga has been a company to help Korean's health by developing bamboo salt products and traditional type of bamboo based on fresh bamboo. They have focused on a research of new product development for excellent functionality.
HS CODE : 2501-00-9010 |
CompanyInsanga Co., Ltd. |
Export countryU.S., Canada, Japan, India, and other countries. |
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Product Information
Product overview(Product differentiation)
Insanga has been a company to help Korean's health by developing bamboo salt products and traditional type of bamboo based on fresh bamboo. They have focused on a research of new product development for excellent functionality.
Phosphoric acid bamboo salt is high quality of mineral salt that produced by treating at high temperature in big size of bamboo trees after extracting bittern for 3 years.
Product type
- Phosphoric acid bamboo salt / 230g, 240g, 500g, 1kg / Bay salt 100% / Solid/powder
- Insanga bamboo salt / 230g, 240g, 1kg / Bay salt 100% / Solid/powder
- Insan cummercial bamboo salt / 210g, 1kg / Bay salt 100% / Granule/powder
- Insan alkali bamboo salt / 240g, 1kg / Bay salt 100%
- Multi-functinal Insan bamboo salt / 210g, 1kg / Bay salt 100% / Granule/powder
- Insan water bamboo salt / 300ml, 1l, 9l / water, Phosphoric acid bamboo salt / Gold/silver
FDA, Halal certification