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Processed seafood (laver, fish cake, etc.)


제품 정보

Bamboo Salt

In order to make Gamro Bamboo Salt, bay salt produced in the western seas are put inside the bamboo trunks grown in Jirisan Mountain and the both ends are covered with red clay. The bamboo trunks are roasted with pine trees eight times.

HS CODE : 2501-00-9010
Company : Korea Salt Co., Ltd.
Export country : US, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore,Thailand, and Indonesia
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Product Information


Product overview(Product differentiation)

In order to make Gamro Bamboo Salt, bay salt produced in the western seas are put inside the bamboo trunks grown in Jirisan Mountain and the both ends are covered with red clay. The bamboo trunks are roasted with pine trees eight times. At the last roasted process which is the ninth roasting, they are roasted at 1300℃. It is the manufacturing process of high-purity salt.
This scientific bamboo salt processing method removes impurities of salt, enhances minerals, and transforms bay salt into strong alkali ion salt.

Product type

Gamro Bamboo Salt (roasted nine times), General Bamboo Salt (roasted three times), and Multi-Purpose Bamboo Salt (roasted once)


FDA safety approval, ISO9001, and ISO14001