제품 정보
Sea Weed
The company produces healthy and aromatic seaweed chips by drying laver covered with sweet rice paste with sunlight of Akyang, Hadong. People of all ages love this snack.
HS CODE : 2106-90-4010 |
Company : Jayeon Hyanggi Agricultural Corporation |
Export country : Japan and US |
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Product Information
Product overview(Product differentiation)
The company produces healthy and aromatic seaweed chips by drying laver covered with sweet rice paste with sunlight of Akyang, Hadong. People of all ages love this snack. Green plum and persimmon products are premium local specialties made of local products.
Product type
Seaweed Chips (100g), Green Tea & Pollack Row Seaweed, Green Plum Extract (500ml), Dried Persimmon (250g), Jayeonhyang Green Plum Pickles (500g)