제품 정보
Namhae Genuine Anchovies Anchovies are directly caught, processed, and selected by the - Anchovy Fishery Group.
HS CODE : 0305-59-2000 |
Company : Choyang Seafood |
Export country : New Zealand, Australia, Dubai, etc. |
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Product Information
Product overview(Product differentiation)
Namhae Genuine Anchovies
Anchovies are directly caught, processed, and selected by the - Anchovy Fishery Group.
Reduces bitterness of anchovies by using Korean bay salt after - removing bittern
Maintains fresh quality by reducing the distribution process
Secures price competitiveness by purchasing qualified anchovies in the producing areas.
Completed radiation inspection and heavy metals test
Low-Sodium Anchovies
Reduces sodium by half and less salty
Removes impurities by cleaning anchovies with drinking water and dries them hygienically
You can eat the anchovies without additional cooking process because all products are disinfected during the drying process.
Improves an anchovy texture by using herb salt and controlling process temperatures
Completed radiation inspection and heavy metals test
Product type
Unsalty Anchovies ‘Sun’ (120g)
Herb Salted Low-Sodium Anchovies ‘Sun’ (120g)
Half Sodium Namhae Genuine Anchovies (120g)
Namhae Genuine Anchovies (150g)
Calcium King Anchovy Snack (35g)
Fishery product quality certification (G-17-07-02), Patent on low-sodium anchovy production (No. 10-1462366), Venture business certificate, Namhae Genuine Anchovies registered for Seafood Traceability System, Recommended product of Gyeongsangnam-do, Cheonggyeonghae Trademark, and Sacheon Sea certificate