제품 정보
Fish Cake
Busan Fish Cake Co., Ltd. was established in 1947 and has been producing fish cake products more than 300. It is a professional manufacturing company that has its own research institute and various patents.
HS CODE : 1604-20-4090 |
Export country : Hongkong, U.S., Indonesia and other countries |
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Product Information
Product overview(Product differentiation)
Busan Fish Cake Co., Ltd. was established in 1947 and has been producing fish cake products more than 300. It is a professional manufacturing company that has its own research institute and various patents.
Product type
- The Taste, Tteokbokki (Stir-fried rice cake) (600 g) - It is excellent with deep taste of sauce by combination of rice cake produced in Korea and high-quality fish cake.
- Fish Cake Croquette (280 g) - (Original sweet potato, cheese, squid, chili pepper, curry) It has chewy texture originated from full of tenderized meat
- Hand-made Fish Cake Roll (200 g) - (Chilly pepper, rice cake, mozzarella cheese, camanbert cheese, crab meat, squid, and frank sausage)
It has chewy texture, which is rolled with various ingredients in tenderized meat.
- Fish Cake Soup (320 g) - Because it contains Japanese-style handmade fish cake and fried tofu, it can be cooked by boiling with broth and water.
- Rectangle-shaped Fish Cake (200 g) - It is good for side dish or soup. It will become more chubby as time goes by.
Halal Certification