제품 정보
Bamboo Salt and Other Pastes
We are the producer of traditional food based on 「Delicious Bamboo Salt」 which is commercialized form of normal food item which originated from folk remedy from Cheonghakdong, Jirisan Mountain. We offer multiple traditional products including traditional
HS CODE : HSK2501009010, -HSK 21039010 |
Company : Cheonghak Valley Food Co., Ltd |
Export country : USA,Taiwan,Indonesia and other countriesInquiry |
Inquire(Import consultation) |
Product Information
Product overview(Product differentiation)
We are the producer of traditional food based on 「Delicious Bamboo Salt」 which is commercialized form of normal food item which originated from folk remedy from Cheonghakdong, Jirisan Mountain. We offer multiple traditional products including traditional paste using black bean (green kernel black bean, Rhynchosia Nulubilis, fast-fermented bean paste), traditional side dishes (sesame leaf, bean leaf), traditional paste (soy bean paste, red pepper paste, soy bean sauce), persimmon vinegar, green plum, and more.
Product type
Bamboo Salt Soy bean Paste
Wild Plant Picked garlie(500gx28ea/CTN)
Life BambooSalt(150gx80ea/CTN)(250gx60ea/CTN)-(500gx30ea/CTN)-(1kgx15ea/CTN)
FDA NO.12509751080