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Processed seafood (laver, fish cake, etc.)


제품 정보

Corbinula Soup

This corbinula soup is produced with corbinula collected from Seomjin River, which is carefully boiled by a sanitary system in a clean processing plant. With no MSG, preservative, and food coloring, it is fresh and its soup is really refreshing.

HS CODE : 0307-91-1910
CompanySeomjingang Jaecheop Cheheommaeul
Export country : U.S., South-East Asia, and other countries
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Product Information


Product overview(Product differentiation)

This corbinula soup is produced with corbinula collected from Seomjin River, which is carefully boiled by a sanitary system in a clean processing plant.
With no MSG, preservative, and food coloring, it is fresh and its soup is really refreshing.
For the corbinula, our company received traditional food quality certificate for the soup from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries due to products of 100% Seomjin River.
Our company is designated as "Cheonggyeonghae" and QC (No. 2013-13) that is constantly managed for sanitary facilities and the origin of a product.

Product type

- Corbinula Rich Broth (500 g/ pack), main ingredient: 100% raw corbinula
- Razor Clam Real Rich Broth (500 g/ pack), main ingredient: 100% raw razor clam


FDA, Traditional Food, QC, and Cheonggyeonghae