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 Export item   >   Processed food   >   Sauce (paste), salted fish, side dishes  

Sauce (paste), salted fish, side dishes

  • 43
    Perilla oil  Product overview(Product differentiation)- The product contain..
    HS CODE : 1515.90-1000

    Company : KANGLIM ORGANIC Co., Ltd

    Export country : USA, Japan

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 766
  • 42
    Fermented Vinegar Liquid Tea Sauce  Product overview(Product differentiation)Our goal is to create..
    HS CODE :

    Company : Hamyangsanchon

    Export country

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 730
  • 41
    Pepper Paste Powder  Product overview(Product differentiation)Enjoy the taste of Ko..
    HS CODE : 2106-90-9099

    Company : su Agricultural Fishery Bio company

    Export country

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 690
  • 40
    Sesame Oil  Product overview(Product differentiation)The oil, extracted fr..
    HS CODE :

    Company : Sorimaul Farming Co,.Ltd

    Export country : USA, Canada

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 673
  • 39
    Camellia Oil  Product overview(Product differentiation)Features of camellia ..
    HS CODE : 1515-90-9020

    Company : Korea Institute of Camellia

    Export country : France, the US, and Japan

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 747
  • 38
    Dried Herbs  Product overview(Product differentiation)Under HACCP certifica..
    HS CODE : 0712-90-2099

    company : Macheon Agricultural Cooperative

    Export country : U.S., China, and Canada

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 591
  • 37
    Toona Sinensis(Bark)  Product overview(Product differentiation)Toona sinensis is ric..
    HS CODE : 2008-99-900

    Company : Daolframfood Co., Ltd

    Export country : USA

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 776
  • 36
    Side Dishes  Product overview(Product differentiation)The most prominent qu..
    HS CODE : 2005.99-900

    Company : CNF Co., Ltd

    Export country : Vietnam,Thailand,Australia

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 659
  • 35
    Soybean Paste  Product overview(Product differentiation)The company only uses..
    HS CODE :

    Company : Yongchugol

    Export country : Vietnam, Japan

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 692
  • 34
    Kimchi  Product overview(Product differentiation)*Catechin, amino acid..
    HS CODE : 2104.10-9000

    Company : MOSAN FS Co., Ltd

    Export country : USA

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 594
  • 33
    Kimchi  Product overview(Product differentiation)Chamgaduk F&K Co...
    HS CODE : 2005.99

    Company : Chamgaduk Food&Kimchi

    Export country : USA, Japan, China, Vietnam, United Kingdom

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 844
  • 32
    Kimchi  Product overview(Product differentiation)- All ingredients are..
    HS CODE :

    Company : EOREUMGOL FOOD Co., Ltd

    Export country : Japan

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 570
  • 31
    Bamboo Salt Soy Sauce  Product overview(Product differentiation)Bamboo salt soy sauce..
    HS CODE :

    Company : Farming corpocation cheonghak-dong jeong seung hwan fermented soy products food

    Export country : Japan, China, United States

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 671
  • 30
    Soybean Paste  Product overview(Product differentiation)Bamboo salt red soybe..
    HS CODE :

    Company : Farming corpocation cheonghak-dong jeong seung hwan fermented soy products food

    Export country : Japan, China, USA

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 598
  • 29
    Kimchi  Product overview(Product differentiation)Founded in 1987, the ..
    HS CODE :

    Company : Korea Agricultural and Marine Products Corporation

    Export countryJapan

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-16 조회 702
