사이트 내 전체검색

 Export item   >   Agricultural products   >   Vegetables  


  • 7
    Tomato  Product InformationItem : TomatoMajor producing areas : Changn..
    HS CODE : 0702-00-0000

    Output : 24,958tons

    Export country : Japan

    Delivery period : January through December

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?
    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-15 조회 472
  • 6
    Cherry tomato  Product InformationItem : Cherry tomatoMajor producing areas :..
    HS CODE : 0702-00-0000

    Output : 13,439tons

    Export country : Japan

    Delivery period : Throughout the year

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?
    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-15 조회 523
  • 5
    Bell pepper (Paprika)  Product InformationItem : Bell pepper (Paprika)Major producing..
    HS CODE : 0709-60-1000

    Output : 24,731 tons

    Export country : Japan, Hongkong, Russia

    Delivery period : January through December (except extremely hot season)

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-15 조회 463
  • 4
    Strawberry  Product InformationItem : StrawberryMajor producing areas : Ji..
    HS CODE : 0810-10-0000

    Output : 67,762 tons

    Export country : Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.

    Delivery period : October through next May

    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-15 조회 551
  • 3
    Napa cabbage  Product InformationItem : Napa cabbageMajor producing areas : ..
    HS CODE : 0704-90-2000

    Output : 89,234tons

    Export country : Taipei, Malaysia

    Delivery period : Spring cabbage June ~ July, fall cabbage, November ~ December

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?
    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-15 조회 519
  • 2
    Melon   Product InformationItem : MelonMajor producing areas : G..
    HS CODE : 0807-19-0000

    Output : 6,506tons

    Export country : Hong-Kong, Taipei

    Delivery period : April ~ June

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?
    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-15 조회 478
  • 1
    Onion  Product InformationItem : OnionMajor producing areas : Geochan..
    HS CODE : 0703-10-1000

    Output : 247,845tons

    Export country : Russia

    Delivery period : June through July

    Please leave a detailed inquiry to get an accurate reply from the Korean seller. Already a member ?
    작성자 경남무역 작성일 04-15 조회 440
